Monday, February 13, 2017

And I Make an End of My Writing

Hello Everyone! 

Well, it's hard to believe that this time is actually here. It feels like yesterday that I left on my mission. And here we are, 18 months later. Let me first just say how grateful I am to have been able to serve a mission here in New England. It has been an amazing roller coaster and I am so excited for what lies ahead. I have learned so much and I feel like I have a better understanding of God's plan for me and how I can strive to be like my Savior each and everyday. 

This week was interesting. We got a lot of snow down here in CT and we were "red dotted" for 3 days (we couldn't drive). So the work kind of slowed down this week because everything shut down due to the weather. I felt like it was just Heavenly Father blessing me with more time to pack. But Sister McVey and I did enjoy the snow! She did her first ever snow angel! (Arizona Probs) So that was a lot of fun! 

This week we also had interviews with President Miller! It's always great to talk to him. I think over the course of my mission I have really gained a testimony that I was meant to serve under his stewardship and guidance. Him and Sister Miller have blessed my life tremendously. I am so thankful for the things that they have taught me. One important thing that President Miller has taught me is the importance of obedience and repentance. I think before my mission I had the wrong idea about repentance- I viewed it as something to use only if I did something wrong. This is totally wrong! Repentance is a gift that God has given us so we can strive to become better. It is a daily thing! I love repentance and I love that God loves us enough that he has provided a way that we can change and become better. 

My mission has been amazing. I have truly learned to LOVE being a missionary. There is something special about wearing a tag that shows I represent the Savior. Jesus Christ is our perfect example, and though I am far from perfect, it has been a blessing to have this time set apart in my life to strive to become more like Christ and to try to develop Christlike attributes. I have learned so much about the gospel and I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. It was never in my plans to serve a mission, but it has been the best thing for my life. I think it has strengthened foundation that I need to withstand the winds and storms that WILL come (Helaman 5:12). I know that we are God's children. He hears and answers our prayers. He is so concerned for our welfare and wellbeing. He loves us SO much! If we are patient and willing to take a step back, we will be able to see God's hand in our everyday lives. 

I love the people of New England. I didn't know that I had the capacity to love people as much as I do! There are people that I have met out here that I can't imagine living the rest of my life without knowing. It has truly been a blessing to be here in New England. This place will forever have my heart! 

Thank you all for all the love and support you have given me over the last year and a half. I am excited to see you all! 

"And I [Sister Egan] saw that I must soon go down to my grave; and I make and end of my writing upon these plates, which writing has been small; and to the reader I bid farewell, hoping that many of my brethren may read my words. Brethren, adieau"  Jacob 7:27 

Love, Sister Egan 

Sister Mitchell and I - I love this lady!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Two Temples

Hello Everyone! 

This week was amazing! So good! I will give you a couple highlights! 

On Wednesday Sister McVey and I were able to go do a session in the Hartford Temple. It was amazing to be able to go inside again. I have a special place in my heart for that temple. We went with a couple women from the ward here in Madison, so it was fun to spend some time with them as well. 

On Friday we taught seminary at 6 am. It was actually a lot of fun! I haven't been to seminary in so long, but it was great! Our lesson was on John 21. Such a good chapter and I learned a lot from it. I really felt like it was applicable to my life right now! That night we had an amazing lesson. It was with one of our new investigators, Jon. He is so prepared. One of his wrestling coaches is in our ward so we all had dinner at his house along with another YM from the ward. Dinner was great and then we had our lesson! We taught the Restoration and it went really well. I could just feel the spirit so strong as we taught about how God is our loving Heavenly Father. When Sister McVey recited the first vision, it was incredible. Jon was saying some pretty amazing things throughout as we asked different questions. One of the greatest things I've learned from Sister McVey is how to ask inspired questions. She is SO good at it! At the end of the lesson she asked him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and he said, "Well, I already know it's true." UUUMMMM WHAT?! He is amazing! We are so excited to continue to meet with him and help him progress towards baptism. 

On Saturday we had a pretty amazing day. One of my favorite families in Weston got sealed in Boston. So we were able to go up to be there for it. It was amazing. This was my first live sealing that I've seen, and it was so powerful to witness it. I love this family so much- they are so inspiring to me. I felt so blessed that they invited me to be there for it. Sister Demuth also came, so it was a really good day! 

Life here is good! I love being a missionary. My life is forever changed because of my time here in New England. I love this gospel and I love my Savior. 

I hope you all have a great week! 

Love, Sister Egan

So many shells!
The Beach 

With Michael & Claudia 
At the Boston Temple
I love this Billboard.
We Heart-attacked our Investigators house.